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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Russell Lerman

Vállalat: Fuse Capital
Beosztás: CEO
Russell is a driven problem solver and proven deal-maker. Successful from a young age, he has founded two businesses and exited one via sale to private equity. In 2012, Russell set up Fuse Capital, which, since its inception has provided debt advisory services to more than 400 tech scale-ups. Russell has personally overseen over 200 successful debt transactions in the €2-20m ticket size range during that period.Russell prides himself on getting the best options on the table for his clients. He has his finger on the pulse of the technology and debt financing sectors and uses this market knowledge to deliver deals that work for all parties.With operations already spanning the UK, EU and SEA, a key focus for Russell in 2024 will be on further developing the growth lending market in CEE.

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

Property Warm Up 2024

Property Warm Up 2024

2024. március 7.
Építőipar 2024

Építőipar 2024

2024. március 21.
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