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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Pavel Lisev

Vállalat: Fund of Funds
Beosztás: Executive Director and Member of the Management Board
Pavel Lisev is Executive director and Member of the Management Board of the Fund of Funds. He is a highly experienced professional in developing equity research reports and building valuation models related to the structuring and management of mid-sized and large corporate finance projects and private equity investments. The professional background of Mr. Lisev includes a considerable investment banking experience and a project coordination role related to fintech start-ups at a pan-European financial institution. He is also a former senior manager at an international card scheme network involved in the deployment of innovative products and solutions in the digital and card payments area. Furthermore he has a solid experience in pilot projects and technology innovations in digital transformation. Mr Lisev holds a Master in Finance degree from Lund University of Economics and Management, Sweden.

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és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
Elmúltam 16 éves.