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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák



Route 4U


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Michael Abel

TPG Capital
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András Ábrahám

Project Director
Skanska's commercial development business unit in Hungary
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József Abrán

Presales manager
SAS Institute Kft.
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Hubert Abt FRICS

New Work & workcloud24
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Mária Ackermann

Deputy Investment Director
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Balázs Ács

Vice President
Masterplast Nyrt.
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Dr. Barnabás Ács

Global Solutions Sales Director, Sustainable Finance & Investing
London Stock Exchange Group
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István Ács

Managing Director
Bosch Rexroth Kft.
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László Ács

HR Director
Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
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Norbert Ács

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Zoltán Ács

Chairman - Hungarian Fintech Association
Managing Director - MBH Fintechlab
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Péter Acsai

üzleti adatelemzési vezető
Market Építő Zrt.
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Managing Director
Adriatic Appraisal
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Jakub Adam

Partner, Head of Real Estate
Taylor Wessing
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Tamás Ádány

OTP Ingatlan Zrt.
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Seweryna Afanasjew MRICS

Board Member
RICS Europe World Regional Board
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Laurentiu Afrasine

Akcent Development
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Gyula Ágházi

Gránit Pólus Csoport
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István Agócs

Senior Consultant
Online Zrt.
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Laura Ajtony

Project Director
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Tamás Ákos

Deputy CEO
CIB Bank
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Katalin Ákoshegyi

Head of Sales
Posta Biztosító
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István Al-Hilal

Fidelity International
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Sándor Aladics

OTP Bank, Kereskedelmi Banki Divízió
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Tímea Aladics-Szili

Group Marketing And Communications Director
Futureal Group
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Brigita Aleksandravičiūtė

Development Director Central And Eastern Europe
Apex Alliance Hotel Management
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Ferenc Alföldi

Head of IT
Budapest Bank
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György Alföldi DLA

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, The Faculty of Arhitecture
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Andrew Allen

Global Head of Research, Product Strategy and Development
Savills Investment Management
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