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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák
Agrarium 2024


Agrarium 2024

19th March 2024 
Portfolio Group’s Agrarium 2024 is one of the most prestigious professional conferences among the spring events on the agricultural economy. The fundamental goal of the conference is to provide information on all the crucial changes effective as of the beginning... More
Construction Industry 2024
We have reached a new level! Our “Portfolio Construction Industry” conference has become perhaps the most important business meeting of the domestic construction industry to be held for the sixth time in 2024 with the participation and support of the... More
Corporate Energy Management 2024
Hungary had by far the highest electricity prices in the EU for medium and large business consumers in the first half of 2023, and gas prices were also particularly high in several consumer bands. This has created a significant cost... More
AI in Business 2024


AI in Business 2024

23rd April 2024 
The Artificial Intelligence boom has become the number-one global megatrend, which is rewriting business models fundamentally, and might disrupt industries and subvert the current rules of the game. We will discuss the changes brought about by AI for business in... More
Portfolio Property X 2024
The experience continues this year again! A tradition for the Hungarian real estate market that we created together! We will meet at our Property X event in Balatonfüred for the third time now. This year, again, we are planning an... More
Financial IT 2024


Financial IT 2024

June 2024 
We are organising our conference focusing on the digital transformation of the banking sector for the 12th time in 2024, where senior bank executives, IT decision-makers, top advisors, fintech gurus, and startuppers, as well as the most important bank IT... More




Gen Z Fest /Green

9th November 2023

Budapest Economic Forum 2023

17th October 2023

Portfolio Future of Finance 2023

20th September 2023

Property Awards 2023

5th December 2023

Agricultural Conference 2023

29th - 30th November 2023

Agrarium 2023

21st March 2023

Banking Technology 2023

7th November 2023

Financial IT 2023

1st June 2023
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